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Corporate Information

CEO Message

Maximizing enterprise value Aiming to always remain No.1

An advertising agency sensitive to the specific needs of the amusement industry
Our role is to contribute to the growth and development of our clients

Gendai Agency Inc. was founded in April 1995 as an agency specializing in amusement industry advertising. Ever since, as trailblazers in the industry, we have strived as a team toward our goal of building the company into an entirely unique presence in the field. Ever since listing our shares on the Tokyo Stock Exchange in September 2004, we have defined our business domain as “contribution to clients’ business development and enhancement through the provision of support to bolster performance and assistance in the implementation of strategies to attract customers.”

Our services do not only involve the provision of simple one-off advertisements in a certain media category—we provide comprehensive proposals developed based on strategies to attract customers. Our proposals take the form of consumer communications strategies created from optimal mixes of online and mass media advertising, newspaper flyers, sales promotions, and so on, all tailored to clients’ circumstances, the regions they operate in, and their particular business category. To ensure successful implementation of communications strategies that feature a high degree of originality, we provide a one-stop service with full oversight covering everything from planning and production to execution.

Achieving greater efficiency through concentration of business resources
We aim to become a driving force behind the creation of next-generation business models and services

Our sustained focus on a single field over the more than 25 years since our founding has allowed us to develop mechanisms that facilitate a high level of efficiency, and our speed, precision, creativity, and superior capabilities in the fields of planning and production are largely a result of these. Over the years, we have worked to further polish and enhance our systems to enable us to deliver advertising plans that exceed clients’ expectations in terms of both speed and quality .

Now we are leveraging this foundation of expertise we have built up to develop a large number of new business models and tools to meet the needs of clients operating in a diverse range of industries.

Responding flexibly to rapidly changing times
Toward a more transformative organizational structure

In recent years, the environment surrounding the company is changing rapidly and drastically. In order to respond flexibly to changes in the environment and achieve sustainable growth, we have been actively pursuing M&A and new business development, diversifying the industries and business categories we cover, and reforming our organization.

To take on further challenges in the future, under the new management structure we will expand the rational structure developed in the advertising business to various fields, and work to challenge and develop new fields.
We will continue to grow with more clients and support their business development.

June 2024
CEO Katsutoshi Oshima
COO Yuzuru Kamikawana